I love Canarias
May 25th, 2009
Recomiendo encarecidamente la versión HD. Estoy deseando ver todo el metraje, pues se trata de un avance de 3 minutos.
Por fin puedo “competir” en igualdad de condiciones con el vídeo time-lapsero de Javier Cañada
Este artículo tiene 3 comentarios.
25 de May de 2009
19 de October de 2016
I have to say I am blown away by a lot of this information. I knew that there was a connection between the brain and gut as everything is connected for it to work. But wow had no idea about how much! So interesting, thanks!!
19 de October de 2016
in Springfield, Missouri. I’ll be speaking there along with many other people whose names may be familiar to you. I’ve said this many times before but this is the most exciting and entertaining